These letters represent a fictional exchange between a young person living in an authoritarian nation and one or more young people living in the United States. The messages are meant to illustrate the differences in political culture between a representative democracy like the United States and the nations at hand.If you would like to join in our dialogue, please send us e-mail. We appreciate honest criticism and enlightening information that will enhance our understanding of this topic. If you would like to share your thoughts on these nations, their government, or on American democracy, we hope to hear from you. As always, your e-mail may become the basis of class discussion, and if time permits, we can post your messages to this site. Please indicate if you do not want to have your e-mail posted for all to see.Thank you once again for visiting our web site, reading our letters, and responding with your thoughts and opinions. |
George Cassutto's Cyberlearning World
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