Check out the previous blog
News in the Classroom
Articles by George Cassutto:
News article from November 28, 2010: Obama
at the Crossroads
December 2, 2010: WikiLeaks:
of the Press or National Security Threat? December 5,
What's with the Republicans? December 27, 2010:
How Facebook Has Changed Relationships December 28, 2010:
The Vilification of Barack Obama January 9, 2011: The
Impact of the Arizona Shooting January 23, 2011:
Obama and the State of DisUnion January 26, 2011:
The State of the Union Address: Why Does It Matter? January
28, 2011:
Revolution in the Muslim World: Can Democracy Survive?
February 1, 2011: The
Domino Effect in the Middle East:
Which Nation Will Fall to Democracy Next? February 19, 2011: Workers
Wage war of Words in Wisconsin
Defending Divorced Dads: Nine Years and Counting
Idiot on Broadway: Not for the Young or the Squeamish
March 20, 2011: The
Double-Edged Sword of Democracy May 19, 2011:
The Pakistan Paradigm: Frenemies Forever? May 20, 2011:
Journey to the White House
May 22, 2011: The
Obama Objective: Middle East Peace
May 27, 2011: Should
I Run For Congress? June 7, 2011:
The Tragedy of Anthony Weiner June 7, 2011:
Teaching and Learning in a Living Classroom (At the White House)
June 11, 2011:
On the Spiritual Lives of Children June 17, 2011:
Invoking the War Powers Act June 19, 2011:
Reflections on Father's Day: Not Just a Hallmark Holiday June
23, 2011:Obama�s Afghanistan Solution: Commander or Coward-in-chief?
June 29, 2011:
Michele Bachmann: The Tea Party's Rising Star July 31, 2011:
The Debt Ceiling Debate - Winners and Losers August 4, 2011:
Time for a Second New Deal to Raise Taxes and Create Jobs
August 5, 2011:
The Arab Spring is Now the Long Hot Arab Summer August 8, 2011:
The Internet Has Changed Politics in the 21st Century Forever October 28, 2011:
To Be Given on the West Lawn of the Capitol
December 26, 2011:Will
the Constitution Be Shredded in 2012? December 28, 2011:
Is Iran Next? December 31, 2011:
The Impact
of 2011 January 9, 2012:
What It Takes to be a Barack Obama Supporter January 15,
Republicans at the Crossroads: The South Carolina Primary
January 16, 2012: I
Have a Dream: What You Don't Get to Hear January 22, 2012:
Morality and Politics: Separate and
Unequal June 14, 2012:
Second Guessing Obama's Critics July 18, 2012:
Why Obama Will Win August 13, 2012:
Impact of Paul Ryan August 28, 2012:
The Republican Convention as Prologue September 3, 2012:
Selling Obama's Record October 18, 2012:
Eulogy for My Twin Brother, Benjamin H. Cassutto November 11,
Why Obama Won Again December 1, 2012:
Avoiding the Fiscal Cliff
December 26, 2012: Les
Miserables The Movie: Purists Beware January 6, 2013:
Obama 2.0: Where to Now? February 21, 2015:
The State of Politics Today November 5, 2017:
The Challenges of Social Studies Education Today November 12,
The Civics Teacher Conundrum:
Teaching Trump
26, 2017:
Why I Teach December 3, 2017:
The Importance of Holocaust Education December 10, 2017:
Using Hamilton: The Musical in the Classroom December 29,
Why Join the Teacher's Union? January 4, 2018:
Around the Nation's Capital: The US Holocaust Memorial Museum
7, 2018:
Religion in Schools: A Delicate Balance
14, 2018:
The Pastor and the President: Race in the American Classroom Today
28, 2018:
Messages from the Marches: Teaching Students Objectively
February 4, 2018:
Black History Month and Project-Based Learning February 11,
The Financial Trials and Tribulations of Teaching March 2,
Using Popular Music in the Secondary Classroom March 11,
Using Current Events in Teaching the Executive Branch March
18, 2018:
Project-Based Learning: A User�s Guide March 23, 2018:
One Future of K-12 Education: From the Factory to a Personalized
Model March 29, 2018:
Educators React to the March for Our Lives April 5, 2018:
Teaching The Legacy of Dr. King: Fifty Years Later April 15,
The Importance of the 2018 Mid-Term Elections: A Teacher�s
Perspective April 22, 2018:
Teachers In Action: From the Classroom to the Convention
April 27, 2018:
The Facets of Personality and Successful Teaching May 5,
Teaching in a Polarized Society: Reaching Across the Political
Divide May 13, 2018:
Integrating Trends in Education: Lesson Plan Development for the
21st Century May 19, 2018:
The Royal Wedding: Why Should We Care? One American Teacher�s
Perspective May 27, 2018:
In Defense of Standardized Testing: A Reflection October 7,
The Constitutional Revolution of 2019
