An Acrostic On the Holocaust by April B.


T is for the torture
H is for the hell I went through
E is for exit from the hell

H is for the help I wish I'd had
Ais for the way they were against us
T is for the threats I received
R is for the real world outside the bars
Eis for enough of the killing
D is for the dead

A is for a sweet apple I wish I had
G is for the weight I need to gain
A is for the angel over me
I is for the importance of having hope
N is for the Nazi's against me
S is for the shooting I hear
T is for the thoughts of my family

U is for the untitled dead
S is the sunshine I Want to see

F is for the fortunate
O is for the outcast I feel like
R is for the rights I was stripped of

O is for the other side
N is for the new people I see
L is for the love I once had
Y is for the young killed

B is for the blister on my foot
E is for the emptiness in my heart
I is for the ignorance
N is for the new year I hope to see
G is for the God I still believe in

H is for Hitler who is doing this to me
U is for my unfamiliar world
M is for my mankind
A is for a piece of food I get a day
N is for the new world Hitler has made

By April B.

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