You are invited to share your opinions and viewpoints.
Before you write your message, go to the connecting pages and take a look at any of
the links provided. The information should provide some basic facts on a topic currently
making news, and hopefully, that has some importance to us as American citizens and global
denizens. The Webmaster and
fellow faculty members hope that you will drop us an e-mail
message that contains your opinions, comments, essays, poetry, or otherwise sage
commentary. The Webmaster
reserves the right to edit flames, venomous spew, and unintelligent dribble by zapping
such offensiveness with the delete button. Thanks for taking the time to think!

out Election Central 2008
All projects listed below come from
previous years. Some links may be out of date.
Please review these student-developed discussion questions and student commentary on the protest for democracy in Serbia.
This page contains a search result listing of CNN's on-line coverage of the Serbian
Crisis. We hope you'll let us know what you think!
Please review our Election Watch
'96 Page. Your comments for the second Clinton
administration are welcome! They may even be posted to the site!
You are invited to read Mr. Cassutto's essay on the Oklahoma City
bombing , his essay on the TWA
Disaster, and his feelings on
Princess Diana. Your comments are welcome and may be used for class discussion.
You are encouraged to submit topics for future sections of this page. Well thought-out,
eloquent, and illuminating contributions will most likely become part of this website.
Just send them to georgecassutto@hotmail.com
Thanks for your time. Come back again!
International Affairs
| Politics | School Safety | Race | Other
This page was updated on December 9, 1999
George Cassutto's Cyberlearning
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