Check out all the Election day information at
The National Council For Social Studies
WWW Links on The 2000 US Elections
Web, White,
& Blue
This web site contains links to all of the major news organizations. It is a complete
resource for following the election results. Links to individual state races are lower on
the Web, White & Blue web page.
Yahoo is a web directory with a complete set of links to a variety of political and
election resources.
The League of Women Voters
These women are on top of the election news. Their web site has a variety of election
and political web sites for your bookmarks file.
MTV's Rock The Vote
Need a hipper view of the election? Visit MTV's
Rock The Vote site.
PBS: The Democracy Project
The Public Broadcasting Service provides election results, media analysis, discussion
areas, and an early look at the 2000 presidential race. Mr. Cassutto wrote two lesson plans
for the Democracy Project:
Vote-Smart's Election Returns
Project Vote-Smart is a non-profit, non-partisan watchdog group that tracks the
activities of Congress and its constituent members. Their Election 1998 web page contains
links to many local news organizations as well as state-by-state coverage. A visit to
their web site is well worth the time to investigate.
Sailor's Maryland Election
The Maryland Library Information system, called Sailor, maintains a page dealing with all the races in the state of Maryland.
NBC Affiliate WHAG maintains a web site with full local election coverage
The Herald-Mail
The local newspaper of the Hagerstown area, the Herald Mail will have all the local
Howdy neighbor! If you are visiting from our neighbor to the east in Frederick County,
Maryland, you may want to check races at the Frederick News-Post!
Have a resource we should know about? Have something to say? Send us an e-mail at Just place the words "election 1998" in the subject line. We'll be posting a discussion area on the election in several days. Please check back with us often, and thanks for visiting!
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