Bookbinder/Printer. Hagerstown Bookbinding and Printing is a major
publishing house and Internet Service Provider (ISP) in our area. This
company gave a good look at their operations. Very cool!
Art Museum. Hagerstown City Park is home to the Washington County Museum
of Art. Unexpectedly, the small museum contains a number of works by well
known masters l ike Rodin and Monet. Cameras were not allowed, but we managed
a few shots outside.
Newspaper. The Herald Mail is our local newspaper, and we were
allowed to tour their printing press area and newsroom.
The students were instructed to develop opinions on how each medium communicates its information. The influence of each medium was discussed and was the potential for propaganda, misinformation, and media manipulation.
We hope you enjoyed our virtual field trip. A second virtual field trip was posted after our 9th graders visited the Fairview Outdoor Center. This site contains interdisciplinary activities for exploring nature though science and writing. take a look!
Please send us your thoughts at on this page or any other aspect of the web site!
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