The USHMM, Washington, DC

Student Reaction To The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The following comments are next-day reactions to a student trip to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington, DC. Students were asked to briefly discuss what they felt about the Museum, its exhibit and its message. What follows is a raw, honest look at student opinions, their level of thinking skills and their writing performance. Thank you for taking a look. The students are of varying ability levels, ethnic origin, and socio-economic status. Please feel free to send any commentary to George Cassutto at The students' link follows these photos taken on our trip (except for the one of the White House).

An image of students entering the US capitolAn image of the US Supreme Court Building
An image of the White House

Students respond to their 1996 visit to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

You are also invited to read the 1995 reaction of students, which took the form of a letter to the teacher. It was the first time our students had visited the museum.

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