Dear Mike,
Here in Libya we don't have many freedoms. We, the citizens of Libya have been experiencing new depravations and other restrictions on our human rights. The Libyan government have been using deadly violence by official military force.
Please write back and tell us about your government and how life in America is. I am curious about politics in America.
Your friend,
In America, we the citizens, are promised equality. The 13th amendment to our constitution abolished slavery in the U.S. The 14th amendment states we all have "equality under the law." Discrimination is illegal in housing, jobs, and education. The government makes sure all races and religions are treated fairly.
In America our government is based on the separation of powers. In our democracy we have three separate branches or sections of government. The first branch is the legislative branch, which makes the law. The second branch is the president and the cabinet, which enforces the law. The last branch is the judicial branch, or the courts, which explains the laws. No branch of government is more powerful then the other because of our system of checks and balances. For example if the president decides he wants to declare war on a small countries the other branches of government can stop him.
As an American, I also have the freedom to choose my representatives. In America elections are free and they are fair. If we want to vote, we have that right, but if we do not want to vote, we also have that so we're not pressured. We also have secret ballots so there are no threats against us when we vote. Elections can also decide issues and are used to pass laws when people vote.
I know that in your country your government won't allow you move or travel freely. I also know that you don't have the right to a fair trial. I also understand that in your country you have no freedom of speech, press, assembly or association. Yet, here in the U.S. our Constitution protects our rights to do all that you can't, which is unfair and wrong.
I would like you to please write back to me and tell me what you think about my government and tell me more about your government.
Your friend,
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