Netscape Composer Lesson Plans

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File Management in Composer
Editing Page Properties
Editing Text Properties
The Horizontal Rule
Creating a Link
Inserting an Image
Creating Tables

Editing Page Properties

Page Properties edit windowThe first thing you will want to do is give your page a title. I am doing an informative on the Little Heiskell, the City of Hagertown's symbol. Right click on a blank section of the page, then select page properties, and a window like the one to the right should appear. Make sure that you select the tab that says "General" at the top of the window. Note the area of which you can enter a title and an author. Here you will want to enter the title of your page and your name, as well as several keywords which will allow your page to be more easily found by search engines.

Edit Colors and Background windowNext you will want to set the colors of your page. To do so you will want to right click on a blank section of the page, and then select page properties. When the window appears select the tab that says "Colors and Background." It should then look like the window to the left. To edit the colors simply click on the button that contains the color you would like to change. From there, you can select the color you wish. To select an image to use as the background, check the box marked "Use Image," and then click the "Choose File" button and select the image you would like to use. Only gif and jpg files can be used for any image on a web page.

Editing Text Properties

Text editing bar
Figure 1a

From here you are ready to start the section of the web page that can be viewed. To create text on a web page, all you have to do is type what you would like the viewer to see. To align the text, click on the text alignment icon  as seen in figure 1a to, select either left, center, or right alignment. From the text editing bar (Fig. 1a) you can make your text bold Bold Text Icon, italicized Italic Text Icon, and underlined Underlined Text Icon. From the far left drop-down menu, you can change paragraph and heading style (the one that says "Normal"), and the drop-down menu to the right of that (the one that says "Variable Width") changes font face. The drop down menu that contains the number "14" edits font size. The drop-down menu containing a color edits text color.


Size 10 Text
Red Text
Bold Text
Italicized Text
Underlined Text
Bold, Italic, Underlined Text

Using the text editing bar (Fig. 1a) you can create ordered and unordered lists. An ordered list would be a numbered list. For example:

  1. Mr. Cassutto's class is cool.
  2. Mr. Cassutto's class is fun.
  3. Marc is the coolest guy on earth.
An unordered list would be a bulletted list. For example:
To create a numbered list, simply select the ordered list icon. You sould see the # sign. From the #, type what you would like the viewer to see, and hit enter to create the next item of the list. You can end the list by clicking the ordered list icon again. When creating the list in composer, all the listed items will be behnd # signs, don't worry, they will be numbered when the browser reads it.
Ordered List Icon
To create a bulletted list, select the unordered list icon. You will see a little bullet, behind this bullet, begin typing what you would like the viewer to see. Press enter to create another bullet. Select the unordered list icon again to end the list.
Unordered List Icon

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