Click on one of the links below to view that part of the page
File Management in Composer
Editing Page Properties
Editing Text Properties
The Horizontal Rule
Creating a Link
Inserting an Image
Creating Tables
Figure 1
Figure 1 is a section of Composer's main toolbar. This
toolbar should be the most used while in Netscape Composer. From
this toolbar you can create a new blank web page ,
open a pre-existing web page
save the web page you are currently working on
(note that this option should be selected as
often as possible while working on a web page), preview
what the web page will look like to the viewer ,
as well as cut, copy, and paste selections. The print icon will print the
page as it looks in
Composer. If you wish to print, it is recommended that you print from the previewed screen.
Take the File Management in Composer Quiz to
test your level of knowledge.