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Choral Boosters From the Counselors |
It's difficult to believe that the Summer of 1997 is almost history and the 1997-1998 school year is about to begin. Counselors, Administrators and Support Staff have been laboring diligently to prepare the building, schedules and atmosphere to "hit the ground running" when students arrive for their first day on Monday, August 25th. Many extra-curricular and curricular activity will already have begun by the time classes begin. This newsletter will provide some important information that will assist students and parents in preparing for the new school year. Let's all work together to make North Hagerstown High School the best it can be. As always, we are "Proud to be a HUB"! In May of this year a newly elected board was put in office to oversee the North Hagerstown High School Athletic Booster Club. The new officers are: President - Bill Graham Vice President - Buddy Knapp Secretary - Nancy Friton Treasurer - Margie McBurney Chairman of Activities - Nancy Conroy Trustees - Melissa Bartles - Cathy Bayer - Randy Bayer - Bev McConnaughey - Vicki Nunamaker - Linda Romberger We are hoping to provide a good experience for all our student/athletes and for the people who support them. We need parents to step forward and volunteer their time and expertise. The programs cannot exist without your help. If you are interested in helping in any manner, please call Bill Graham at (301) 791-1049 or Nancy Conroy at (301) 791-0052. Please let us know what area you are interested in and when you are available. I cordially invite all Boosters to attend the monthly meetings that will be held. The next meeting will be on August 7th at 7:00pm in the North High Cafeteria. The calendar of meetings will be announced. Your ideas are of value to us and we want to hear them. The membership in the Booster Club has been very poor in recent years, while there has been a steady increase in need. The funds we receive are distributes to all the sports. New uniforms and equipment are just a part of our goals along with the athletic banquet each year. I urge each North High family to become a member of the Booster Club. To improve membership this year, we are providing a registration form to all the families as part of this newsletter. Please take a moment to join us. Send the form with a check for $10.00 for your membership to: Margie McBurney 19522 Spring Valley Drive Hagerstown, MD 21742. As incentive to join the Boosters, North High and the Boosters are offering a discount for "Season Passes" and "Yearly Passes". By joining the Boosters, you will receive a voucher good for $20.00 off an individual "Season Pass" or "Yearly Pass" for any athletic home events. Season Pass Yearly Pass Non-Booster $35.00 $60.00 Booster $15.00 $40.00 The Booster Club will also be offering a wide range of North High apparel. These items will be on sale at Freshman Orientation, "Meet the Hubs" nights and at all home sporting events. We believe you will find that we are providing excellent products and school spirit. The items for sale are listed below. As other sport seasons approach, we will be offering additional items specific to that sport. Insulated Travel Mug $ 5.00
This year promises to be a great year in HUB sports. Be a part of it! Please print and fill out the Athletic Booster Registration Form.
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MD Functional Reading Test Score - 340
Student Service Learning 75 Hours English 4 Credits
Counseling Groups This academic year the Counseling Center will be conducting small group counseling sessions for various students. The groups will be addressing such topics as promoting a more positive self-image, grief and loss, developing good study habits, and career and college selection. Students may refer themselves or be referred by parents, teachers, counselors, administrators, health nurse, or friends.
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Please review the NHHS 1997 Fall Sports Schedule to see which games and matches you would like to attend. See you at the game!GO HUBS! |
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Activity Period North High will be providing students with an opportunity to participate in school more by giving them the opportunity during the school day to get involved. We will be allowing students to participate twice a month in an activity organized by the staff. Time will be provided for students to choose an activity in which they would like to participate. (Clubs, Class Meetings, Exam Make-Up, Lectures, Intramurals, Guest Speakers, Pep Rallies, etc...) All students will be given the opportunity to participate in an activity. The dates for the Activity Periods for the 1997-1998 school year are: Sep. 12th Regular Activity Period - SGA
Welcome to a great year for the Choral Programs. The new officers for this year are: Co-Presidents Gail Hemm / Dusty Graham Secretary Nancy Cline Treasurers David & Ginger Buchenroth We also have some items that we are selling during Freshman Orientation and throughout the year. Choral Booster T-Shirts $10.00 Ceramic North High Mugs $ 5.00 Air Freshners $ 1.00 We are looking forward to a great year for all the choruses.
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The parents of all new students are invited to visit the Counseling Center before or after Freshman Orientation on August 20th. The North High Counseling Center is the site of the County's Community Counseling Center and is open to the public every Wednesday evening from 6:00 - 9:00 pm. All students need help and encouragement with scholastic matters. The North High counselors want to assist your student in their educational planning through high school. Counselors advise students as to the academic courses they should be pursuing to broaden their knowledge base as well as to properly prepare themselves for future endeavors. Please review the following graduation requirements with your student. Most of North High's courses are offered at different levels of difficulty. The levels rang from advanced placement programs to basic skill courses. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT In addition to the Maryland High School Diploma, students who meet the following requirements will receive the Maryland High School Certificate of Merit: Obtain at least a 3.0 cumulative grade-point average on a 4.0 scale for their high school studies, and Earn at least 12 credits in courses Washington County has identified as Certificate of Merit Dropping courses or level changes should be done after consulting
with the appropriate counselor and reviewing the student's educational
plan. We expect students to stay in their classes for the first two weeks
unless there is a blatant leveling mistake, a student is repeating a course
in which they have already earned a credit, or a student is missing a course
that is required for graduation. The reasons for changing a schedule after
school starts are:
Last Name Counselor A-G: Mrs. Carol Kreykenbohn-Barnhart H-N: Ms. Karen Ehrhart O-Z: Mr. Robert Lochbaum Md. Tomorrow: Ms. Joy Rowe
All students are required to pass the established Maryland Functional Test in four areas to graduate. The required scores are listed above. In addition to the functional tests, students may wish to take the SAT or ACT - two standard college tests. The PSAT is an integral part of the college preparation program. This test is offered only once a year. The ASVAB is offered in the fall for students interested in a military career. All students are given the Self-Directed Search to assist them in a career choice. This is given during the Freshman and Sophomore year. Please note the following test dates. All registration material is available in the Counseling Center. TEST DATE LOCATION ACT: October 25, 1997 North High December 13, 1997 North High February 7, 1998 North High April 4, 1998 North High June 13, 1998 North High PSAT: October 18, 1997 North High SAT: October 4, 1997 Williamsport High November 1, 1997 Williamsport High December 6, 1997 Williamsport High January 24, 1998 Williamsport High March 28, 1998 Williamsport High May 2, 1998 Williamsport High June 6, 1998 Williamsport High ASVAB: September 18, 1997 North High
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