Help evil came destroying everything its hands can reach every day is a pain every day survived a miracle the ones I loved were taken away no! I want to live! investing sweat, blood, life, and death this game was being played running away, fleeing from my native land all my memories everything I've owned dropped, given up for one big mystery freedom is the mystery crossing the pond arriving so many other people like ants trying to find their sand pile it is raining but it was raining harder before New York! I knew this word ever since I was born but to associate something with it - I've never been able well, I guess this is it this is my new life but I don't feel like rejoicing I'm as unemployed as everyone else I'm not special I'm back to zero I don't understand why Germany lost the war, Hitler didn't even lose because he didn't care! didn't care about anyone in his country the people lost - not the government there wasn't even a government and after we lost -things were indescribable no one ran, but I did I deserve something better than no home, no insurance, no food, no... nothing and I used to have all the things, hoping, living on, that's can do I am freeA poem by: