The Churches of Hagerstown
St. John's Lutheran Church
St. John's Luthern Church is an example of the history one will find in Hagerstown's houses of worship. St. John's began construction in 1769 in Elizabeth Town (the former name of Hagerstown), and the following year, its constitution had been signed by 60 charter members. In 1772,  there were 271 confirmed members of the church, and in 1806, the church changed its name from the German Lutheran Congregation and renamed by the State of Maryland to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Services are scheduled throughout the year every Sunday at 8:00 and 10:45 a.m. and Wednesday services are offered on Wednesdays in Lent, Ash Wednesday, the days of the Holy Week, Ascension Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. 
Westley United Methodist Church
John Wesley United Methodist Church is just one of the many churches one can visit in Hagerstown. 
Mt. Zion Church
Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church was established in December, 1770. This was the first German Reformed Church in Elizabeth Town. The first pastor was Rev. Jacob Weimer. In 1785, the church bells were cast in Holland containing several precious metals including silver. The graves of Jonathan Hager and his wife Elizabeth are located in the churchyard of this house of worship.
Otterbein United Methodist Church
Otterbein United Methodist Church, located on the corner of Franklin Street and Locust Street in Hagerstown is also a fine house of worship that's worth a visit. Reverend Dr. Stephen Robison and Rev. Anne Atkins lead the services every Sunday. They offer Sunday School classes at 9:45 a.m. and services begin at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. 

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