June 5, 1789

The Federal Congress is turning out to be a wonderful change of pace from the despised Articles of Confederation. The larger states such as: Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York are now satisfied with the new Constitution and their power under it. They are happy that each state gets votes based on population, that way smaller states can not boss around the larger more productive states. The smaller states including: Rhode Island, Delaware, and Vermont are happy that they will not have to be bossed around by the larger states. They also are happy that they will not have to worry about the larger states eventually assimilating the smaller ones into them. They relish the idea about having equal power to the other states in the Senate.

Meeting in Federal Hall in New York City on March 4, 1789.  There were twenty senators and fifty nine representatives. Therefore, the New Federal Congress can focus on paying off the ever growing debt owed from the war we fought with Great Britain. Some rules of the new Constitution are that Congress does hold the power to: make the laws we need, and holds the other two branches in check so they won't get too powerful. Though it seems that Congress has less power than it did before, when under the Articles of Confederation it actually has more.  In trying to be everything Congress actually overtaxed itself, so in trying to be everything Congress ended up being nothing. Hopefully this new government will last longer than the older one.

The Death of the Articles of Confederation
Colonial Sentiments Towards Articles of Confederation

Dear Editor,

The First Congress is meeting now, and this is a welcome change. I have several opinions on the new Congress and I'll explain them to you now.

I believe that the Congress we have now is in a much better state of power than the previous Continental Congress'. The states had too much power for their own well-being. It is the belief of this colonist that Congress, and the other two branches, since having been formed, will look out for the good of the United States, and not just for the individual states. I also believe that changing from one branch to three is much better. One takes care of the laws, one helps makes the decision, and another is a system to carry out the laws and take federal cases. Thus, we have three branches that all check and balance each other.

The states have enough power to do what is necessary. I did not go out and get injured fighting those bloody red coats for nothing. This nation must survive! I have great hopes for this country, for I believe that we will become as strong, if not stronger than Great Britain. And why should not we? That is a question I ask. We deserve to be up there with them as much as they do. Sure we're a new country starting out, but we can do this. I have faith in our leaders. After all, did they not bring us through a war with one of the most powerful countries in the world? We must pull ourselves together, and not let this nation crumble.

James Crooke, Pewter-Smithe
Hamilton on Debt: The Federal Government Must Pay For the Sins of the States

Alexnder Hamilton, President Washington's newly appointed Secretary of the Treasury,  plans to repay all of the United States foreign and domestic debts from the previous war and other miscellaneous areas. Being a genius he did many things such as pay off the individual state debts that were contracted during the war, and establish a national bank. His greatest achievement was restoring the credit of the United States. However, he is receiving opposition from Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson because Hamilton hopes to bring more power to the federal government. The question before the new Congress is: does Hamilton's Federal Government have the power as stated in the Constitution to create a national bank
and assume the debts of the states? No, according to the esteemed Mr. Jefferson of Virginia and Declaration of Indepndence fame. Jefferson sees the states as the arbiters of power in our young republic. Thus, a feud has erupted between them. These two able leaders are rapidly  emerging as the chief proponents of two distinct political philosophies, factional parties now being called the Democratic-Republicans (pro-Jeffersonians) and the Federalists (pro-Hamiltonians).

He also played a major role in New York's ratification of the Constitution. He persuaded New York
to send 3 delegates him being one and the other two being very anti-federalist. Being a patient man, he waited until they didn't come anymore and thus was able to speak for New York and ratified the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton surely has played a large role in the birth of this fledgling nation. This writer only wishes for more sucess.

Writing from the court in New York,

John Marshall

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