The Holocaust: A Webquest 
Mr. George Cassutto
7th grade US History

Rationale: There is so much information on the World Wide about the Holocaust that it is difficult to know what is important. According to the Virginia Standards of Learning, the following goals should be met as part  of the US History course of study:

6.6  The student will analyze and explain the major causes,
     events, personalities, and effects of World War II, with
     emphasis on
       *   the rise of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism in the
           1930's and 1940's and the response of Europe and the
           United States;
       *   aggression in Europe and the Pacific;
       *   failure of the policy of appeasement;
       *   the Holocaust;
       *   major battles of World War II and the reasons for
           Allied victory.

Therefore, the students will conduct research into the historical nature of the Holocaust. It is important to identify students' feelings and emotions regarding the Holocaust, but these emotions should be based on a historical understanding of exactly what happened during the years 1933 to 1945 in Nazi-occupied Europe.

Students: Directions for Researching the Holocaust

You will use one website, the educational outreach site of the US Holocaust Museum, to answer questions about the Holocaust. The purpose of this activity is to give you a basic understanding of the history of the Holocaust. Once you know the basic facts, you will have an opportunity to write about what you have learned. Hopefully, you will be able to share your ideas with others around the world by publishing your thoughts on the World Wide Web.

Answering the Questions

Each question will have a web page linked to it where the answer can be found. You can use a printed version of the questions to write your answers. You can also use the "edit" feature on your web browser to copy and paste answers from the browser into the web editor. Then you can print your answers for the teacher to view and for you to use as the basis for discussion and writing.

Be sure to check out the images, maps, and sidebars that appear on each page. each photograph and map has a caption which will help you become more knowledgeable about the Holocaust. These resources will be vital when you create your expressive piece for the Web.

Thinking and Writing About What You Have Learned

Once you have answered all of the questions on the basics of the Holocaust, it will be time to conduct your own research using the WWW, CD-ROMs,  and regular library materials. Use these materials to explore one topic related to the Holocaust in-depth by becoming an expert on that topic.

Next comes the time to choose a format for your expressive project. Formats include:

  • A journal or diary of your own thoughts
  • A journal or diary written from the viewpoint of a person living though the Holocaust.
  • A sketch or drawing of some aspect of the Holocaust with a caption or essay.
  • A Photo Essay using family photographs.
  • Interview with Witness
  • Sketch timeline about one aspect of the Holocaust.
  • Movie Review on a major film dealing with the Holocaust
  • Formal essay with a well-developed thesis statement based on history.
  • Newspaper article describing an event of the Holocaust.
  • Poetry With illustrations all created by you, the student-author.
  • Maps of Historical Events with explanation. Students are the map-makers.
  • Review of web sites with a description of the site and usefulness in education.
  • Biographical sketch on righteous gentiles or courageous Jews.
  • Fictional short story based in historical facts.
  • On-line Debate about the causes of anti-Semitism and how it can be stopped today.

You should then begin writing or creating the expressive piece using your research as the foundation for your project. The final goal is to include the history you have learned in the final product you create.

Begin the webquest on the Holocaust

The Star of David



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