We, the gathered
nations and signatories to this international agreement, do hereby
outline the terms by which peace shall be established in Europe, on this
day, June 28, 1919.
The terms of peace shall be maintained by all nations placing their seal hereupon according to these agreements: Article I: The League of Nations This treaty establishes a league of nations that will act as a place where nations can let their views be known as disputes be settled without resorting to war or conflict. Restrictions and requirements of members nations belonging to the League include: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Article II: Territorial Changes Within Europe: Nations that lost territory due to the aggression of the Central Powers, namely Germany and Austro-Hungarian Empire, shall have their land returned, to wit, France shall receive: ____________________________________________________________ Poland shall receive: ____________________________________________________________ Other nations to whom Germany is returning stolen territory or colonies: ____________________________________________________________ Germany's borders shall be set as the following: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Article III: Self-Determination of European Nations: People within the borders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire who seek national self-determination shall establish their own governments and rule themselves according to their ethnic and national make-up, to wit, these nations shall have their borders protected from aggression: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Article IV: Preventing German Military Aggression Germany's military strength will be restricted or reduced in the following ways: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Article V: War Guilt and Reparations Due to the fact that we, the nations of Europe and the United States, find Germany guilty of having started the Great War, we hereby declare that Germany must make a statement admitting its role in the starting of the war. Germany must make its statement below: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Germany will be required to pay the nations of Europe for having started the war according to the following amounts and schedules until the debt needed to rebuild European society has been paid: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Article VI: Other Restrictions on Germany The Allied Powers shall place military forces within German territory under the following terms and for the following durations until said Allied Powers have determined that Germany is no longer a threat to its neighbors: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Signed, the representatives of: France____________________________________________________________ Italy____________________________________________________________ Great Britain ____________________________________________________________ The United States of America ____________________________________________________________ The nations of Europe created by this treaty: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Germany and Central Powers ____________________________________________________________ on this day, June 28, 1919 AD.