Beat the Expert: Questions on The Road to Revolution

This set of questions was developed for use with Dave Carpenter's lesson structure called "Beat the Pro" found at

_False_1) The French were allies with the British during the French and Indian war.

Notes: The French and The Indians were allies against the British, even though both sides competed for friendship with the Indians.

_False_2) The Albany Plan was Ben Franklin's plan to make Albany New York the capital of the United States.

Notes: It was Franklin's plan to unite the colonies in a common defense. he suggested the colonies send representatives to a legislature that had the power to collect taxes. the plan was rejected by the British colonies.

_True_3) George Washington fought for the British when we was defeated at Fort Necessity.

Notes: George Washington was a colonel when he led a squad of  militia into the Ohio Valley against the French, who built Fort Duquesne. Washington built Fort Necessity, which he had to abandon when the French attacked. He was also defeated when marching into the Ohio valley under General Edward Braddock. 

_False_4) The French and Indian War was limited to fighting on the North American continent.

Notes: The conflict between France and Britain began in Europe as the Seven Years war in 1756. The French and British fought each other in Europe, Africa, India, and on the high seas. In America, the conflict was called the French and Indian war.

_False_5) The French were permitted to keep Quebec according to the Treaty of Paris of 1763.

Notes: General James Wolfe gained Quebec when he defeated the French at the plains of Abraham in 1759. The Treaty of 1763 ended French influence in North America. Louisiana was also transferred to Great Britain.

_False_6) Pontiac's Rebellion in 1763, led by the great Ottawa chief,  caused the British to lose control over their forts in the Great lakes region.

Notes: Pontiac took control of the Great Lakes region by attacking British forts. By 1763, only Detroit, Fort Pitt and Fort Niagara  remained under British control.


_False_7) The Proclamation of  1763 was gladly received by the English colonists when the French and Indian War ended.

Notes: The Proclamation of 1763 was an official announcement that said colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. Most people ignored the proclamation.


_False_8) The British government respected the rights of the Colonists when they used Writs of Assistance and when Parliament passed the Stamp Act.

Notes: The Sugar Act created Writs of Assistance, which were general search warrants that allowed British soldiers to search colonial homes in order to crack down on smuggling.

_False_9) One way the Colonies expressed their displeasure with taxes placed on them by Parliament was to buy as many good from England as possible.

Notes: After the Stamp Act was passed, the Colonies led boycotts against British goods. they refused to buy goods made in England, choosing to make their own products instead. The boycotts were led by colonists who called themselves the Sons and daughters of Liberty.

_False_10) The Boston Tea Party was a way of protesting against the high tax placed on tea by the Tea Act of 1773.

Notes: The Boston tea Party was stated in reaction to the Tea Act, which gave the British East India Company a monopoly on tea imports into the Colonies. Colonial businessmen thought the monopoly would  put them out of business.

_False_11) The Declaration of Independence promised equality for all people living in the colonies, which had declared their independence from Great Britain.

Notes: When Jefferson wrote" we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal," he did not include blacks or women. these groups would not receive equality until after the Civil War.

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