Reading Notes on the American Revolution: Page 3

The scene:
Complete the image.

Colonial Unrest

Who were the Sons and Daughters of Liberty? 

Radicals who led Boston boycotts in 1768-1769.

What did Sam Adams say about the events of March 5, 1770?

It was a "massacre"

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"Repeal" means:

To do away with a law.


Parliament repealed the Townshend Acts except for the tax on tea.

The British Back Down
Lord North, Prime Minister
Lord North, British Prime Minister

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Who's Who?
Who's Who?

The Moderate Position: They did not want revolution, just greater self-rule.

The Radical Position: Create a new government so the people could have a voice in government.

The Loyalist Position: Obey the laws of British government and stay in the Empire.


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