Lesson Plan: The Road to the American Revolution

Date: October 5, 2000 and additional class periods if needed.

Objectives: The students will

I. outline the major events that caused the colonists' break with Great Britain.

II. establish a cause and effect relationship between the actions of the King and Parliament and those of the Colonists.

III. Discuss the effectiveness of the colonial protests against Great Britain by comparing their protest with examples of modern protest.

SOL Connection:


1. Standard 5.3d

2. Standard 5.3e

3. Standard 5.3f


* the principal economic and political connections between the colonies and England; 
* sources of dissatisfaction that led to the American Revolution; 
* key individuals and events in the American Revolution including King George, Lord North, Lord Cornwallis, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and Thomas Paine;


Warm Up Activity (Anticipatory Set): Forming Opinions on Current Issues

A) Brainstorm a list of current issues facing America during the 2000 Election. Place student responses on the overhead.

B) Display the following on the board, TV, or overhead:

Choose one of the issues we discussed and write a letter to a friend that tries to persuade your friends to agree with you. In a well-written paragraph, outline several reasons why your friend should come over to your side.

C) Choose several students  to read their letter out loud. Discuss the importance of presenting both sides of an issue.

D) Have students list several issues that faced the Colonists during the American revolutionary period and identify both sides of the issues.

Main Activity (Instructional Input): Chart on "Steps Toward the American Revolution"

A) Students should have reviewed the events listed in Section 3 of Chapter 7 by creating a timeline of the major events of the period.

B) Display a skeleton of the chart on page 197 entitled "Steps Toward the American Revolution."

C) Distribute transparency squares of the causes and the colonial effects of British action.

D) Have students place correct square (cause or effect) on the overhead. Students should enter the information into their notes when they see it.

Accommodation: Outline of chart and answer squares will be printed and cut up before transparency is displayed. Students should be allowed to paste/tape the correct squares on their papers when they see the answer on the overhead screen as students enter their information manually.

Web Resources: The American Revolution Home Page: http://www.dell.homestead.com/revwar/files/INTOLER.HTM

The Road to Independence: http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/H/1994/ch3_p7.htm

The North American Review: The Origins of The American Republic  http://www.cyberlearning-world.com/nhhs/amrev/revpaper.htm

Examples (Modeling): Classifying Types of Protest

A) Have students create a list in their notes entitled "Colonial Protests" as it is displayed on the overhead.

B) Have them create a second column called "Protests Today."

C) Have the students identify each response as violent or non-violent and identify each into types such as "destruction of property, boycott, etc.

D) Have students write a paragraph that discusses why Americans protest and how protest has changed through the years.

Accommodation: Students can form a group with inclusion teacher and brainstorm responses, which inclusion teacher can write into a "group essay." Students must initial concepts they supplied into the discussion.  All students must have their names on the paper to get credit.

Wrap-Up Activity (Closure): Video: "A Force More Powerful:" Non-Violent Protest in the Modern World.

A) Show the section of the tape dealing with the Civil Rights Movement of Martin Luther King.

B) In oral discussion, have students compare the actions of Martin Luther King with those of the American Revolutionaries of Washington's time.

Evaluation: The lesson will be evaluated by:

I. the accuracy of student's written responses; The following rubric can be used:

5 points: For clearly written statements that state the learning goal and give examples based on historical events.

4 Points:  Statements that communicate the main idea of the material being learned but that lack historical examples.

3 Points: The topic is discussed but the main idea is missed. Student attempts to supply examples.

1-2 Points: The main idea is missed and examples do not illustrate the idea but the question is attempted.

0- Writing sample not submitted.  

II. student's scores on future tests and quizzes.

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