A Ford Assembly Line ca. 1913

Image courtesy of American Memory Collection,
Library of Congress

_C_1)     This term refers to the process of becoming a city-dwelling nation, away from rural living.

_I_2)     This 1862 law allowed the two railroad companies to begin building the transcontinental RR.

_K_3)     This invention, developed by Samuel Morse, grew along side the expanding railroad industry.  

_H_4)    After making a fortune in the shipping business, he became owner of the New York Central RR

_N_5)    He was granted over 1000 patents including the phonograph, stock ticker, and indoor incandescent lamp.

_D_6)     He improved the generator that allowed electricity to be shipped long distances, but he is best known for the railroad air brake.

_B_7)     This state contains huge coal deposits and was the site of the first oil well drilled in 1859.

 _L_8)    This end of this event gave foreign investors confidence to invest in US business. It also allowed the railroads to expand and allow for increased production.

_M_9)  This term involves helping the poor through the donation of huge sums of money and the creation of organizations set up to education or feed the poor.

_F_10)  He built the first trust by buying out the competition in the oil industry and refineries.

        _O_11)  This method of steel production resulted in  the improvement in steel quality that allowed for greater railroad development In the mid-1860s.           

       _A_12) When more than one company is controlled by same board of directors, this combination exists.

       _G_13) This law stated that “all business combinations in restraint of trade” (monopolies) are illegal.

      _J_14) This banker used his wealth to invest in a variety of industries, eventually buying U.S. Steel in 1901.

       _E_15) The philosophy that supports the theory of evolution in an economic form is called _______ _______. It states that the law of survival of the fittest applies to businesses as well as in nature.

       _P_16) He developed the assembly line from its early beginnings in Samuel Slater’s textile factory of the 1790s.  


A) Interlocking Directorate

B) Pennsylvania

C) Urbanization

D) George Westinghouse

E) Social Darwinism

F) J.D. Rockefeller

G) Sherman Anti-Trust Act

H) Cornelius Vanderbilt

I) Pacific Railway Act

J) J.P. Morgan

K) Telegraph

L) The Civil War

M) Philanthropy

N) Thomas A. Edison

O) Bessemer Process

P) Henry Ford


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