America In the Early 19th Century

Topic: Monroe Doctrine

Monroe Speaks Out


Table of Contents
Vocabulary Terms and Identifications
Important Maps
Biographies of Key Historical Figures


    The Monroe Doctrine was written on December 2, 1823 by President James Monroe. It said that the US recognized that the new Latin American countries were independent and that Europe would not have any more opportunities for  colonization in the Americas. It also discussed the financial and economical state of the country and its relationship to other nations.
    Even though the Monroe Doctrine is an important piece of American foreign policy, it has no legal standing in the United States of America because it was never a law, treaty, or convention by the Congress. It was simply a declaration of policy by an American president. But it has guided American actions in the western hemisphere for almost two centuries. In comparison, British foreign policy is backed up by what was at one time the greatest navy in the world, and during Monroe's lifetime, it  was seen as an insurmountable barrier to the independence of continental powers. Still, since the United States and Britain have become allies, the Monroe Doctrine has been respected as a protection for the nations of the western hemisphere. 

Vocabulary and Identifications

1) Simon Bolivar- a Venezuelan general who launched revolutions in northern South America. Their independence is what brought about the development of the Monroe Doctrine.

2) John Quincy Adams- Secretary of State under Monroe, he wrote the first draft of the Monroe Doctrine.

3) James Monroe- the creator of the Monroe Doctrine and supporter of the revolutions in Central and South America during the 1820s and 1830s.

4) colonization- the power to make colonies. Thus action was prohibited by the Monroe Doctrine in respect to the actions of the European powers in the western Hemisphere.

5) foreign policy- The policy of a sovereign state and in its interaction with other sovereign states. The Monroe Doctrine was a major foreign policy statement for the Unites States.

Important Maps


Biographies of Important People

James Monroe

James Monroe is  remembered for the Monroe Doctrine, which  he delivered in 1823. He warned  Europe not to interfere with the new free  nations in the west.  He also said that the American continents were closed from future colonization from Europe.  James Monroe became the fifth president. In 1817,  while Monroe was president,  the European nations formed an alliance, which caused great concern in the U.S.  Russia claimed Alaska down to Oregon Territory and the US agreed with Britain that Europe should stay out of the newly freed Spanish lands that had become independent, just like the U.S. had in 1776.


James Monroe

Image courtesy of the White House

Monroe Doctrine Quiz   

Multiple Choice

1.  The Monroe Doctrine was written in                .
                    A. 1826         C. 1934
                    B. 1774         D. 1823

2. The author of the Doctrine is                                 .
         A. John Adams        C. James Monroe
         B. Marilyn Monroe   D. James Madison

3. The Monroe Doctrine discussed the  ________  and  ________ state of the country.
        A. economical and financial
        B. economical and political

4. The Monroe Doctrine has no legal standing in the United States of America because it was never a   ________ , ________, and   ________.
       A. law, constitution, preamble
       B. law, treaty, convention by the Congress
       C.  treaty, trade, on the Bill of Rights

5. The author of the Doctrine became the                                                    of the United States of America.
       A. fourth senator        C. fifth president
       B. greatest warrior    D. fifth Congressmen

Matching Vocabulary

6.      James Monroe

7.      Simon Bolivar

8.      John Quincy Adams

9.      colonization 

10.  foreign policy 
A. policy of sovereign state in its  interaction with other sovereignstates

B. a Venezuelan general who launched revolutions on north South America

C. the creator of the Monroe Doctrine and a supporter of the  revolutions

D. wrote the first draft of the Monroe Doctrine

E. the power to make colonies. 


1: D
2: C
3: A
4: B
5: C
6: C
7: B
8: D
9: C
10: A

This page is part of a web project developed by Mr. Cassutto's 7th grade US History class at Sterling Middle School

Student authors:

Joey H.
Corey C.
Brittany G.
Ashley S.


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