Lesson Plan: Computer Applications: Developing HTML Skills

Date: September 22, 1997

Objectives: The students will

I. continue to develop their knowledge of HTML.

II. Use an HTML template to analyze the function of basic HTML elements;

II. use the HTML editor HTML Assistant to develop web pages for the school web site.

Note: Students should not access the Internet while teacher is absent. Students may use the teacher's computer, but they may not use telecommunications software.

Warm Up Activity (Anticipatory Set): HTML Tags

A) Display the following HTML tags on the board or overhead. Have students describe in a phrase sentence what the tag is for or what it does on the browser screen. (Create an overhead by writing these tags out or by running a transparency through the copy machine in the media center. Transparencies can be found in the middle drawer on the left of my desk).

B) Have students start computers and Netscape to help them locate these answers. Instruct them to use the start page or other local pages to find the code by clicking on View, Document Source while in Netscape.

C) When students have finished their responses on their own papers, have them exchange papers and review answers orally. Allow students to mark responses correct if they are anywhere close to the correct response.

1) <br>

2) <p>

3) <ul>, </ul>

4) <ol>, </ol>

5) <body>, </body>

6) <html>, </html>


8) <img src=filename.gif>

9) <a href="filename.htm">text</a>

10) "#FFFFFF"

11) Provide the tag for the color red:
12) If the image's name is filename.gif, how can I make this image the background of my page?

13) If I want to place a bullet before an item, what tag should I use?

14) If I want to make text bold, whats' the correct tag?

15) Name the two ways to change font size on the web page?

Answers: (Do not display until oral review)

1) <br>: line break

2) <p>: paragraph break

3) <ul>, </ul>: unordered list; creates a bulleted list.

4) <ol>, </ol>: ordered list. Creates a numbered list.

5) <body>, </body>: Body tag. All text and graphics must be found within the body tags.

6) <html>, </html>: Tells the browser that it is reading an HTML (hypertext markup language) page.

7) BGCOLOR: Background color

8) <img src>: image source: provides a graphic image.

9) <a href="filename.htm">text</a> Anchor Hypertext Reference: makes text clickable.

10) "#FFFFFF": hexidecimal code for white.

11)  Provide the tag for the color red: "#FF0000"

12) If the image's name is filename, how can I make this image the background of my page?
<BODY BACKGROUND="filename.gif">

13) If I want to place a bullet before an item, what tag should I use? <LI>

14) If I want to make text bold, what's' the correct tag? <B>text</B>

15) name the two ways to change font size on the web page: <h1> (heading sizes) and <font size= +n>
(where n is a numerical value)

Main Activity (Instructional Input):

A) Have students continue developing their autobiographies for the web site.

B) Students should use HTML Assistant to continue work on their pages.

C) If their autobiographies are complete, have students begin their first installment of their department's web page.

D) Students should be instructed to begin writing for their first installment.

Examples (Modeling): Examining the Web Site

A) Students should be allowed to review the NHHS web site that has been loaded on the room's computers to get ideas for their departmental installments.
B) Students can save those pages with their own additions or use copy and paste to take sections of those pages and make them their own.

Check For Understanding: Basic HTML: A Worksheet
A) Display or distribute the worksheet entitled Basic HTML: A Worksheet

B) Have students complete the worksheet by viewing the template page

Guided Practice: Reviewing the Worksheet

A) When students have completed the worksheet, review orally.

B) Students can mark their own papers for no grade, or have them exchange papers and correct their responses for a grade.

Need more examples: check out

Wrap-Up Activity (Closure): Shutting Down

A) Have students close all applications and shut computers down.

B) Be sure monitors are turned off as well.

Evaluation: The lesson will be evaluated by:

I. the accuracy of student's written responses;

II. student's scores on future tests and quizzes.

George Cassutto's Cyberlearning World: http://www.cyberlearning-world.com

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