US Government Chapter Review Outline

Outline Vocabulary Essay Question Diagram


Chapter number and title:  Chapter 16 - Government at Work

Executive office of the President

  • Closet advisers
  • personnel staff
  • several advisory groups
  • organized in circular or pyramid style

14 executive departments headed by secretaries make up the cabinet

Executive branch bureaucracy includes:

  • Independent regulatory commissions- makes and enforces regulations for specific events
  • Government corporations- provide certain public services
  • Executive agencies- fulfill special functions outside of the cabinet
  • Government contractors- perform specific government-related jobs.

Most jobs are covered by the civil service

The Pendleton act of 1883 established the merit system to award jobs by examinations

GS ratings determine the pay that workers receive

Hatch Acts restricts political activities
Three vocabulary terms and their definitions.

Term 1:"Cozy Triangle"- A network of close relationships between executive dept, congressional committees, and interest groups involving exchanges of information and political favors

Term 2: Deregulation- Reducing or removing the amount of government control in an industry

Term 3: Government Corporation- Government organization that combines both private and public organizations and that provides services that private industry is unwilling or unable to undertake

Short answer essay question (which can be answered in a 2-3 sentence paragraph).


Essay: How can a President overcome the problem of too much work and too little time?

The President could delegate or tell his cabinet members to do the work he doesn't have time to do.  By delegation the President will ease up his work load and have more time to work on major problems.

Diagram: Courtesy: 9/11 Commission Report

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