Seal of the US House of Reps.

Seal of the 
US House of Representatives

Characteristics of the House and Senate:
A Matching Worksheet

Seal of the US Senate

Complete these matching questions on your own paper. Include both letter and answer as your response.

_____1) These assistant floor leaders count votes to see where the party stands on bills being considered.

_____2) This term describes the voters, people being represented in Congress from the delegate's home district.

_____3) This person leads the majority party on the floor of the House

_____4) It is a proposed law.

_____5) This committee is made up of House and senate members, and they compromise to combine House and Senate versions of a proposed law.

_____6) The most important official in the Senate is    ____________   ___________

_____7) The presiding officer in the Senate is the _________ ______________

_____8) 60 senators (3/5ths of the Senate)  is needed to end this activity so that a vote can be taken on a bill.

_____9) This term means to end a filibuster in the Senate.

_____10) This idea involves the Senates constitutional power to confirm presidential appointments and ratify treaties signed by the president.

_____11) This annual presidential speech acts as an outline of bills to be considered for the year.

_____12) Party loyalty, pressure groups, campaign contributions, trading political favors, and public opinion in the home district are all what type of factors?

_____13) Electing the president in case of a tie in the electoral college, generating tax bills, and starting the impeachment process all have what in common.

_____14) 25 years of age, US resident for 7 years, and a resident of the home state are all what type of qualifications?

_____15) He is the presiding officer in the House and is next in line to the presidency after the vice-president.


A) Party Whips

B) Constituents

C) House Majority Leader

D) Bill

E) Conference

F) Majority Leader

G) Vice President

H) Cloture

I) Debate

J) Advice and Consent

K) State of the Union Address

L) Influences on the voting pattern of a lawmaker.

M) The special powers of the House

N) Role of the speaker of the House

O) Qualifications for the House

Answers are available


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