The Capitol, Home of the US Congress
Congress Makes Federal Laws
Follow the bill as it moves through
Introduction of the Bill
The bill can come from a variety of sources:
Individual citizens,
________________ ________________ ______________
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
Only a _______________ of ________________ can introduce the bill
A bill can start in either House.
8.2b - The Bill is Assigned to Committee
Each House has _____________________ committees that consider their bills. Each committee has a _____________________ They _____________________ (edit) the bill so it will pass on the floor. They can also _____________________ or kill the bill in committee. The bill must also pass through the House Rules Committee. |
The Bill is Reported To the Floor
If the bill is passed by the committee, it is sent to the whole House for debate and vote.
The committee has ____________________ the bill _______________________ to the floor.
The _____________________ determines which bills are discussed and for how long.
Committee chairs and ranking members give out time to debate to other members.
8.2c - The Bill is Debated and Voted On in the House
Congressman Reyes on Floor |
Bills can be
considered by the whole House at once: called _____________________ of
the _____________________
Votes are done electronically in the House. This is a A tote board on the wall shows the tally (see previous image of House floor). Red = oppose. Green = Agree Yellow = Abstain Votes can be taken by voice (yeas and nays) or a ____________________ _____________________ where members file past the sergeant at arms. |
The Bill Goes to the Senate
The bill is sent to the US Senate. A Senate version is written with the letter S. and a number. House bills have HR. As in the House, the bill must be referred to the appropriate _____________________ _____________________ Committees hold hearings and make changes to the bill.
The committee can _____________________ the bill to the
Senate floor. |
A Senate
bill from 1925 |
8.2d - The Bill is Debated and Voted On in the Senate
The Senate _____________________ _____________________ determines which bills are scheduled, when and for how long.
As in the House, the bill must be referred to the appropriate
standing committee.
Debate in the Senate is unlimited. _____________________ can be used by the minority to block bills.
3/5 (60) of
the Senate must agree to end debate (this is called _____________________)
The Senate
Rules committee is much weaker than the
Both Houses Must Pass the Bill
A _____________________ _____________________ in both houses is needed to pass the bill (51%).
In the House: 218 needed to control the House.
In the Senate: 51 senators needed to pass the bill (and control the Senate).
8.2e - Differences Between Houses Must Be Reconciled
Each house passes its own bill. Any differences must be ironed out and made into one bill. The bill is considered by a ___________________ __________________, made up of both House and Senate members. They negotiate and _____________________ and send the combined bill back to both houses. A vote on the ______________________ ___________________ must be taken and passed by both Houses. |
committee at work Courtesy: |
8.2f - The Bill is Sent to the President
The president can sign the bill if he wants it to become law. He can include signing statements that say how the law should be enforced or if parts will not be enforced. The president can veto, or reject, the bill. He must include his reasons and recommendations for correction. The president can choose not to act on the bill. If Congress is in session, the bill becomes law after 10 days.
If Congress
is not in session, the bill dies after 10 days. This is called a pocket
veto. |
Clinton signs the Year
2000 Information and Readiness
Disclosure Act |
The Bill Becomes Law
If the president vetoes the bill, both Houses can reconsider the bill.
Two-thirds (67%) of both Houses are needed to override the Presidents veto.
In the House: 369 needed for override. Senate: 67.
If president signs the bill, it is a federal law that each state must follow.
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