Objectives: The students will
I. Become familiar with the course requirements and class procedures.
II. Develop a list of ways that the computer has changed modern society.
III. Review the Board of Education policies regarding computer and Internet use by students.
Curricular Connection: How Do these activities relate to the essential curriculum?
Indicator: Recognize and discuss the ethical and social implications of computer use.
1) identify the changes in society that have occurred
as a result of computer use.
2) Examine the use of computer technology in
various fields.
3) adhere to the telecommunications policy of
Warm Up Activity: Creating Your Business Card or Where Do Your Interests Lie?
A) Have students pair up with the person sitting on their left. Distribute
a 3 x 5 index card to each person (reason stated below in Part B). Allow
each group to answer the following questions with one minute for each person
to share their answers.
C) If a scanner is available, choose a number of business cards to be
scanned (the best five or all if class size allows). Post them to the web
in the form of a class web page. Allow other classes on the Internet to
share their "business cards" or answers to the questions above. Generate
a keypal exchange based on the business cards.
Main Activity: The Computer In Modern Society
A) Have students brainstorm a list of tasks that the modern personal computer is able to perform.
B) Post student responses on the board.
C) Have students list the components of the modern personal computer.
D) Create a T-chart that has the following heading:
1) Storing data such as documents and programs. | 1) The hard drive. |
E) Based on the lists they have generated, have students match the part of the computer with the task.
F) Discussion:
2) What changes must take place in society and to the computer itself for these tasks to become a possibility?
3) Are there examples of science fiction that have come true regarding
the computer's role in society?
Writing Extention: Computing in the Future
A) Distribute floppy disks to students or assign a floppy disk to a group. Have students mark their disks with their names.
B) Have students become familiar with word processing by having them write a paragraph that answers the following question:
Write a paragraph that describes how computers will be used in the future. be creative as you can by placing your ideas in the context of a short story or poem. use drawings if you like to illustrate the ideas found in your writing sample.
C) Students can write out their paragraphs on paper and then transfer them to disk, or they can begin word processing on computers if they feel comfortable using the computer.
Wrap-Up Activity: Policies and Procedures
A) Distribute the county/district's Telecommunication/Internet Policy in written form.
B) Discuss each element and its importance. Have students bring back the form signed by a parent and keep on file.
Enrichment: Computing In Popular Music
Visit the Rush web page that contains the lyrics to Virtuality
and print the lyrics to share with the class. If you have the CD, play
the song. Discuss the changes the Internet has had on society, especially
in respecxt to young people.
Evaluation: The lesson will be evaluated by:
I. the accuracy of student's written responses;
II. student's scores on future tests and quizzes.