Setting Up A School Website: Using Paint Shop Pro For Your Website's Images

The best shareware program for developing original graphics and manipulating already existing ones is Paint Shop Pro. The cost of the program is $69.00, but its versatility is well worth the price. Paint Shop Pro can resize images, save images in almost any format, and it can be used to add special effects to t ext art and scanned images such as photographs. If you have a scanner, it will even work in concert with your scanner software to acquire images because it is "TWAIN" compliant.

Here is a screen shot of Paint Shop Pro available at A 6.0 version has been released, so look for price increases on this popular image editor. The 6.0 version is what I call a "ppoor man's Adobe Photoshop" because for about $100, Paint Shop Pro 6.0 handles editing features such as layers. Layers allows the artist to manipulate specific elements on an image after they have been applied. It also includes Animation Shop 2.0, a utility that creates animated GIFs from a series of files. Additional information in what Paint Shop Pro can be found on my lesson dealing with this topic.

 Paint Shop Pro is great at converting image types. Remember that the web browser supports two image file types: GIF and JPG. Microsoft's Paint program only develops BMP files. Paint Shop Pro can be used to convert those "bitmaps" into files Netscape and IE can handle.

Screen shot:Paint Shop Pro

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