Setting Up A School Website: Useful Documents

A draft of the Washington County Board of Education web page design guidelines has been developed. Feel free to review and use in the development of your school or district's own web page guidelines.

Teachers might want to download or save this checklist for student-based internet projects. It can help students employ basic guidelines when putting together web pages.

Old Document: parental permission form for student participation in internet projects.

Revised document: parental permission form for student participation in internet projects.

A template for an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) can be found on the Web at

For additional questions and answers on HTML and Website construction, point your browser to The Original "Evolution of the North High Website."

To see the contents of this workshop as an PowerPoint presentation given as HTML, please use this link.

If you have Microsoft's PowerPoint, you can download this quick classroom-based tutorial on Developing Web Pages With HTML Assistant.


1. Chandler, David. Running Perfect Website, Que Publishers, Inc, 1994, pg. 40.

2. __________, pg 42.

3. Brown, Mark, et al., Using HTML, Que Publishers, Inc, 1996, pg. 335.


To The On-Line Presentation:
Setting Up A School Web Site


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