Arthur and Rochelle Belfer National Conference for Educators at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Caution: Numerous graphics on this page take time to load. Please be patient.

Here are a number tiles from the Wall of Remembrance, a 3000-tile wall created totally by children. To see a close-up of the tile pictured, just click on the image. Then use your browser's "back" button to return to this page.
To see a brief title, place your mouse over the image (Netscape and Internet Explorer 4.0 or later).

The photographic images are thumbnails of larger images. You'll need to use the "back" button to return to this page as well.

Selected Tiles from the Wall of Remembrance

Hope Star of David in the camps... Prison


Flowers Tears In German: Jew


Peace On Earth Love Tell Israel and Sarah we remember


Images of the Museum by George Cassutto:
© George Cassutto 1999
Images may not be reproduced without the permission of George Cassutto and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum



512 x 384 422 x 305 416 x 312
The Museum The Eternal Flame The Hall of
480 x 360 360 x 480 324 x 432
Ceiling: Hall of Remembrance Window with town names View from the Museum


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